Rio Grande Valley Entertainers Services
This program is provided by Rod Graham, Created Images and More in affiliation with The Winter Texan Connection,
Please direct all questions or feedback to

From your CPANEL you can control the information displayed on your Virtual Showcase page, manage your event schedule, manage testimonials and reviews shown on your page and make RGV activity directors aware of your availability for bookings.
Your Virtual Showcase Page

Manage the information shown on your virtual showcase page at
This is a page available for public viewing accessed from the listings on the ENTERTAINERS PAGE at The Winter Texan Connection
On this page you may have ...
 ★ A Demo Video (1)
 ★ A Promo Picture (1)
 ★ A Description of you and the type of entertainment you provide
 ★ Your schedule of events
 ★ Your website and social media links
 ★ Your contact information
 ★ A Photo Gallery - unlimited pictures with or without captions

All of this information is controlled by you. You are not limited to the amount of content you want to include.
Your Scheduled Events

Manage your schedule of events
The event schedules you post here are displayed on your Virtual Showcase page as well as on the EVENT PAGES of The Winter Texan Connection. Potential audience members can see when and where you are performing.
It is Important that you provide them with all of the information they need to make an informed decision about attending one of your performances. Be sure to fill out all of the fields on the event submission form.

When you are submitting a NEW event, the date is automatically posted when you use the "date-picker" calendar provided.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you are "editing" a previously posted event, if you change the date use this 2 digit format (do not leave out the leading 0's when neeeded) 02/06/20 (Feb. 6, 2020)
DO NOT USE DASHES (2-6-20) Use of Dashes can produce false results!

The "ADDITIONAL COMMENTS" field is for you to tell them what kind of entertainment they will be enjoying. Don't be shy ... If you are an award winning act, tell them so! If you are performing for a dance, tell them what genre of music you will be playing. If BYOB applies, tell them. The more info you give, the better!

The "CONTACT FOR INFO PHONE" is the phone number that your potential audience member will call if they want to know more about you or if they need directions to the venue. You can put your phone, the venue phone, or both. If you put both, include an identifier as to which number is which.
For example: 956-457-8600 (Venue) - 876-787-0987 (you)
Reviews and Testimonials

Manage your Reviews and Testimonials
You should ALWAYS at EVERY PERFORMANCE encourage your audience members to send you a testimonial review of your performance. A form is provided for this purpose on the entertainers page at The Winter Texan Connection. These form submissions are sent directly to YOUR email. You can then, at your discretion, post them to your page or not.
RGV activity directors, as well as potential audience members read these reviews. They use this information to help them make an informed decision as to whether or not they will book you for an event or attend one of your performances. So ... the more, the better!
Your Booking Availability

Tell Activity Directors when you are available for bookings
This information is displayed on your virtual showcase page AND is made directly accessible to RGV activity directors who have subscribed to this service.

NUMBER ONE! ... Tell them when you are available for bookings in the RGV.
For example: "We are available for bookings from November through March" Be sure to tell them if there is any range of dates therein which you are unavailable. IE: "We are not avaialble from Jan. 3 - Jan. 14"

Next, give them information about your performace that will help them make an informed decision.
If your show is different this year from last, tell them! If you have more than one style of show available, tell them! The more info you give, the better.