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Enjoying Retirement in Deep South Texas

Every year starting in late September, just as the weather starts to change towards Winter, thousands of retirement age people from all over the USA and Canada head South to find warmer climates, free from the hassles of shoveling snow and scraping ice from their windshields.

Most commonly known as " Snowbirds " these Winter travelers are destined for locations in Florida, Texas, Arizona and any where that they can find a tropical climate all Winter long.

Tens of Thousands of " Snowbirds " come to Texas for the Winter, where they transform from Snowbirds to " Winter Texans". The vast majority of these "Winter Texans" find their way to the very Southern tip of Texas, The Rio Grande Valley.

“Winter Texans” have had enough of the snow, ice and frigid temperatures of the North. Here in the “ Land of Two Summers we can enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, golf, and birding while our neighbors and friends up North are dealing with snow shovels and ice scrapers.

Wintering in Texas has been growing in popularity since the early 1950s. The “Rio Grande Valley” stretches for approximatley 140 miles from South Padre Island to Zapata, home of Falcon Lake Resevoir

Along this route are hundreds of RV / Mobile Home Parks, Resorts and Campgrounds where Winter Texans call home for the time they are here. Many take advantage of the convenience of staying in an Extended Stay Hotel. Some purchase or rent ”permanent” houses in Subdivisions or Country Clubs.

Not everyone comes at once. From September to Thanksgiving about 25% “early birds” arrive. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, another 25% show up. After the 1st of January the highways heading south are filled with Winter Texans coming to escape the worst of Winter.

With the rising prices of fuel, some are abandoning their RVs and driving cars or flying in, then renting or buying park models or mobile homes. Approximately 15% of ”former” Winter Texans have liquidated their Northern properties and made the Valley their permanent residence. These “Converted Texans ” enjoy many of the same activities in the Summer that take place while Winter Texans are here.

Some of these activities include golfing, fishing, tennis, swimming and relaxing on South Padre Island beaches, Horseback riding, birding, exploring nature and much, much more.

Any where you are in the Rio Grande Valley is just a short distance from the Mexican border. There are several border towns which offer souvenirs, gifts, dental services and pharmacies priced well below what you will find in the US. By far, the most popular of these is Nuevo Progreso.

The most comprehensive website regarding all aspects of travel in Mexico is Mike Nelson has made it a mission to give you as much information regarding traveling in Mexico as possible. Visit his site for info on: Safety issues / RVing in Mexico / Tours / Where to go and more!

There are many reasons to retire in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas ... year round tropical temperatures, low cost of living expenses, lots of things to do and see are just a few.

Compare the cost of living in the RGV to other winter destinations

Here are some websites with more information regarding retirement in South Texas' Rio Grande Valley.
Rio Grande Valley has Birds!

Statistical data on Texas cities

Come to Deep South Texas for the Winter, You'll be glad you did!

Elizondo Mortuary